The Pokemon
The Pokemon are probably the most important cards in the game, because with out them you can't beat your opponents Pokemon, which is how you win(chapter 6).
Weakness Resistance Retreat cost
Weakness means that if Resistance means that if Retreat cost is if you wanta Pokemon gets attacked a Pokemon gets attacked by the pokemon you have up
by another Pokemon another Pokemon that is the to go on to your bench
that is the type that the type the Pokemon has resistance because you have another
card says it has a weakness against, then the attack does less Pokemon on your bench
against, the attacks the other damage to the Pokemon. that you want out. To retreat
Pokemon do, do double, or your pokemon it costs the
what ever the card says. amount of energy on the card but
you can use any kind of energy.
In the front there is the amount of energy you need on the Pokemon to power the attack. After the attack you don't take the energies off the Pokemon you leave it on so you can use them next turn. In the middle there is the name of the attack, and at the end there is the amount of damage the attack does. Under those there is sometimes an extra thing the attack does.
Evelution Level
You can't put a pokemon out on the board unless it is a basic like the example. If you have a stage 1 you have to wait for the basic that is before it to come out. If you don't have the basic before it in your hand or already out, then you have to wait for it to come out of your deck. If it is a stage 2 then you have to wait in till you evolved the basic into a stage 1 to evolve it. You can only evolve a Pokemon once per turn.
Example: Pikachu evolves into Raichu
HP/Health Points
HP is how much damage the Pokemon can take before it gets knocked out. The bigger the HP the better.
EX's are very powerful Pokemon who's HP is usually 180 or 170, though it can be other numbers. There is a disadvantage to using them. If they die your opponent gets two prize cards instead of one.
The energy in the top right corner tells you the type of Pokemon.
EX Pokemon
EX's are very powerful Pokemon who's HP is usually 180 or 170, though it can be other numbers. There is a disadvantage to using them. If they die your opponent gets two prize cards instead of one.
Mega EX Pokemon
Mega EX Pokemon are super duper powerful but you have to have to have the EX before it out. It is exactly like evolving.
Example:You put Mega Venusaur EX on to Venusaur EX
Fossils and Restored Pokemon
Fossils are trainers and Pokemon at the same time. Restored Pokemon evolve from fossils. There are some Pokemon who evolve from Restored Pokemon.
The other kind of fossil.
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